Eye Care

Preserve the health of your vision through routine eye screenings or eye check up as well as refractive methods that suit your lifestyle best.
What does an eye screening or eye check up involve?
An eye or vision screening (eye check up) is a series of tests such as colour blindness test and distance vision test that will help to identify vision problems and eye disorders. Eye screening is a family affair as it is recommended for both children and adults.
An eye screening can diagnose common vision problems among the younger generation such as Amblyopia (lazy eye) and Strabismus (crossed eyes). These are conditions that can be easily treated by our experts when diagnosed early.
Adults and children alike can benefit through an eye screening to identify vision problems such as near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism.
How soon should I start with eye screening?
An annual eye screening for children above the age of 5 is recommended. As for children below the age of 5, eye screening is generally done during visits to the paediatrician. Parents are also advised to bring their children in for an eye screening if the child shows symptoms of an eye disorder such as not being able to make steady eye contact, squinting or trouble reading.
For most adults, regular eye screening is recommended. If you’ve been diagnosed with a vision problem, our eye specialist might recommend a more comprehensive eye screening.
Wait no more! Head on to our nearest eye centre in any of our medical centres (Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway Medical Centre Velocity or Sunway Specialist Centre Damansara) near you for an eye check up today!
Cataract Screening
Cataracts are cloudy areas in the lens of the eye which typically develops in people over 60 years old.
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
Everyone who has diabetes should undergo a yearly retinal examination. Diabetes damages the retina (nerve lining inside the eye) causing diabetic retinopathy, now a leading cause of blindness among working-age adults.
Glaucoma Screening
Glaucoma, also known as the “thief of sight” can cause tunnel vision or complete blindness by weakening the eye nerves. Unfortunately, there’s no turning back for these conditions. Prevention is the only way! Detect this condition earlier to preserve your eyesight!
Paediatric Vision Screening
Every child deserves to discover the beauty of the world we live in. Good vision equates to a positive learning and developmental experience for every child.
Cataract Screening

Cataracts are cloudy areas in the lens of the eye which typically develops in people over 60 years old. It is a common eye condition in elderly that can cause changes in vision. Cataract happens due to protein build up in the natural lens of our eye and results in blurry or cloudy eyesight, sometimes glaring vision. With detailed eye examination, ophthalmologist will advise if you require cataract surgery.

Diabetic Retinopathy Screening

Everyone who has diabetes should undergo a yearly retinal examination. Diabetes damages the retina (nerve lining inside the eye) causing diabetic retinopathy, now a leading cause of blindness among working-age adults.
Retinal photography allows early detection of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. Do not wait until you experience vision problems as treatment is less effective in later stages.

Glaucoma Screening

Glaucoma, also known as the “thief of sight” can cause tunnel vision or complete blindness by weakening the eye nerves. Unfortunately, there’s no turning back for these conditions. Prevention is the only way! Detect this condition earlier to preserve your eyesight!

Paediatric Vision Screening

Every child deserves to discover the beauty of the world we live in. Good vision equates to a positive learning and developmental experience for every child. Give your child the gift of good eye health by bringing him or her for regular eye examinations. Children above the age of 3 are encouraged to have their eye checked at least every two years or as soon as any eye problem is detected.
Some eye conditions in childhood can lead to a lifetime of weak vision (amblyopia, “lazy eye”). As young children are unable to complain about their eyesight, parents may be unaware that there is a problem until the time for effective treatment has passed. This is why all children should have a vision screening test as part of the monitoring of their development.
Children also need to consult an eye specialist without delay if any of the following signs are noticed:
- Any unusual appearance of the eye
- Holding objects very close to the eye
- Sitting very close to the television or computer
- Squinting, closing or covering one eye
- One of both eyes turning in or out
- Difficulty seeing the blackboard in the classroom
- Eye redness, irritation, rubbing or watering